Allen, Kozara, and Sansoucie Headed Back to NYS Development Camp
Our boys are heading back to NYSAHA Development Camp this weekend. The top 2009’s will gather in Skaneateles, NY this year for three days of training and competition. Congrats Sean Allen, Ryan Kozara, and Jake Sansoucie. These players are members of our 15U AAA TB Team coached by Shawn Wilkins.
About NYSAHA Development Camps
The New York District Boys’ Player Development Program offers a process unlike most players are used to competing in. This highly selective, pyramid style process attempts to identify those players who possess the individual skill to compete at an international level of play. The NY District staff looks for those players showing the ability to perform at a consistently high level during short-term events such as international festivals, national festivals, and development camps.
From the regional try-outs through the district selection camp, players are continually evaluated in this program. We do not look at the success or failure of the team(s) they play on during the season. This is totally inconsequential. If a player does not advance beyond a regional or district tryout, it was because his performance at that try-out was not at a level of other players attending the same tryout. This is not a team selection process, but an advancement of players based on individual performance. The staff strives to establish a level ground on which to evaluate players, and common regional tryouts or sectional evaluations are two of the processes that are used to select players to participate in or advance from any tryout. There are four age level classifications that are subsequently grouped into two age categories administratively. Those age groups are 14’s, 15’s, 16’s and 17’s.
NYS 14/15 Tryouts
These Platforms are designed for players of above average skill and ability to experience this selective pyramid style process, entering a larger more competitive pool at every stage. Select 14 & 15 birth year players MUST nominated/recommended by their associations/team coaches and pre-apply by the listed deadline date for these regional try-outs to assure a tryout spot. Please note, if a player applies or registers after the showed deadline date it is then up to the discretion of the regional coordinator whether to allow their participation in this tryout-based on numbers. It’s very important to make note of this fact. The tryouts are held in the four geographic sections of the NYSAHA, there are limited allocations that are awarded by the District Coordinator at each position to our state camps in an order of merit list (with alternates) established at the end of the try-out
Selected players from the “14” regional tryouts participate in an In-District Player Development Camp in the early summer. This is a weeklong development camp where 80 players from our district come together to practice, compete, and experience a camp implementing American Development Model principles. The in-district camp is modeled after the National Festivals held by USA Hockey at the older ages. Currently the camp is centrally located on the beautiful campus of SUNY Oswego. Note: – Cost for this camp to selected players will be determined once projected facility costs are finalized.
From the “15” regional tryout, selected players are then invited to the May district state festival camp in Syracuse, NY. The District Player Development Coordinator maintains a certain number of at-large selections for distribution based on player performances. Note – cost for the players selected to the May state festival camp in Syracuse will be determined once the projected facility expenses are finalized.